You are invited to thewiki Network

2 min readJan 7, 2022

You are invited to thewiki Network. Click on the below link and join.

thewiki Network is a community of creators, writers, and innovators, that are working towards building a better tomorrow.

If you received this article, consider this an invitation to connect.

What is it about?
There is no reason for anything to happen.

You were born in a society, that is specific to you, and it is not something that you have control over.

But today, you have the ability to take decisions. You can decide things for yourself, and you know you want to get associated with a community, which is small and growing.

thewiki Network is a small group of writers, who are working towards providing quality content across industries. So, there is no barrier with regards to the topic that you want to write about.

There were times when you were not taken into the team. There was a time when people you trusted stepped back when you needed them the most. I know how painful it is.

Sometimes, we don’t need anything else than a listening human.

This community is doing the same. There are no barriers to your content. There are no location filters, that restrict your content to reach to your audience.

What do we do as members of thewiki Network?
As a member of thewiki Network, you are able to post articles and blogs for which you are rewarded with User Points (Crypto Tokens).

These are like virtual currencies, that you can exchange with your family, friends, and other connections on thewiki Network.

Also, as a team, we connect together over chats or video calls and discuss several projects that we are working on. These could be simple projects with one-page blogs or Novel writing exercises.

You live once, and when you are passionate about something, you take time out from your busy schedule to complete that task.

This is what is called a hobby.

So, click on the below link, and register today;




thewiki Network was created to liberate how content is shared around the world. Join the team at and start earning money for your content.