All writers should have their profile on thewiki Network

3 min readOct 7, 2022


thewiki Network is one of a kind of website, that provides content creators a place to connect with each other.

It is also an amazing fact that there is no interference from any big organization.

Having a profile on thewiki Network is one of the great ways to create your portfolio, and showcase your creative side. Sharing an image below;

As you can see in the profile section above, it is slim and sleek, just as a profile section should be. And you know what is the amazing thing about this profile section?

You get 5 star ratings from other people that are on this platform

This is an amazing feature because it shows in real-time how the writer is performing on a daily basis, and you know what, all these ratings are anonymous.

This means, any person can come and rate you and give you these ratings, and it also shows how many votes you have received for that particular star rating.

Having said that, the people who are not registered on thewiki Network, cannot provide the rating, hence you can be sure that you are not being targeted.

You can have your own portfolio
thewiki Network is a great place to have your own portfolio created. This is because you have your profile page created, and on that profile page, you can add as many blogs as you want, and this way, you also have a backup in place.

You can even keep these blog posts private and then no one will be able to see those blog posts.

Usually what I see on different blogging platforms is that there is a disconnect between the blog and the user. Only having a small profile page doesn't give much exposure to the writer, but having a proper page with all the fields helps in getting the deserved exposure to the content creator as well.

thewiki Network is a text-based website
Although you may see different images on thewiki Network, this website is basically targeted at the writer community. We are focusing mainly on increasing people that love to write.

Therefore, it is still a small community of like-minded people that are eager to read and write blogs.

No scammy algorithm ranks any article
The only algorithm that is active on thewiki Network is FIFO, which means that something that comes first eventually starts pushing down, hence it is ensured that new content gets the limelight.

But still, if someone likes or comments on an old article, it will be more visible on the first page, hence writers get a really good exposure.

You can get your family and friends on onboard
Family and Friends can never be together on other social media networks, but it is possible to have your family and friends all together on thewiki Network, and this is because we promote healthy connections on this network.

Although we don't actively moderate content, because scammers and spammers don't write long blogs and articles, therefore it becomes much easier to connect with family and friends on thewiki Network.

Also, we have a verification system, which provides a blue tick in front of the name if proper documents are submitted, and hence you can be sure that the person you are connecting to is the real one and not someone spoofing as your family or friends.

This also provides a safe and innovative area for children to grow, as they start exploring their areas of interest and also start writing different articles whenever they want. This helps in their overall development as well.

This also helps in children developing writing skills.

How to join thewiki Network?
It is quite simple to join thewiki Network. You can register by clicking on the below link;




thewiki Network was created to liberate how content is shared around the world. Join the team at